Personal, social and health education
Super Revision Guide - tricks & tips! (TES Pick)
Comprehensive guide for revision methods and strategies.
LGBT Outstanding lesson PSHE: Modern family structure (TES Pick)
A supurb lesson that reviews how changes in the modern family unit and structure is changing. Student and teachers will gain insight, empathy and understanding of the challenges faced by different families in the 21st Century.
To describe how the modern family has changed
To review why these structural changes are important in the 21st Century
Both students and teachers can predict and prepare themselves for the social, cultural, religious and economic impact that this may have in society at local, national and international scales.
Superb Geography ice breaker
Creating a climate for learning in Geography: Set the right collaborative atmosphere in your class room by using this Geography themed ice breaker. Great fun. Ideal for the start of term and new teachers.
Outstanding Lesson: Organic Farming (TES Pick)
Ofsted graded oustanding lesson.
Comprehensive guide to organic farming.
Learning objectives:
To describe what farming is and why its important
To explain why organic farming is increasing
To identify its advantages and disadvantages
Complete with pitstop plenery, discussion plenery placemat and exit cards ideal for assessment for learning.
Excellent PSHE lesson -Young people & Drugs
Great lesson for PSHE, social studies reviewing drugs,alcohol, the current issues, the law and where teenagers can seek help.
Geography transition lesson for Y6 and Y7 students
A proven great introductory and transition lesson activity to introduce the skills and global knowledge needed for Geography!
This has proved very successful for Y6 students entering KS3
It can be used as an independent, paired or group task. Fantastic if used as a competition.
Outstanding Lesson: Racism, Christianity and the Church
Christianity and racial equality
An outstanding graded lesson on prejudice, racism and discrimination linked to the Christan Church and wider society.
PSHE - Is there such thing as a normal family? (modern family unit)
A superb lesson that reviews how changes in the modern family unit and structure is changing. Student and teachers will gain insight, empathy and understanding of the challenges faced by different families in the 21st Century.
To describe how the modern family has changed
To review why these structural changes are important in the 21st Century
Both students and teachers can predict and prepare themselves for the social, cultural, religious and economic impact that this may have in society at local, national and international scales.
Easy, fun: Geography Quiz - end of term challenege
Excellent end of term Quiz aimed at increasing spacial awareness, global knowledge and general Geographical knowledge !
Anti-Bullying Week
Nice resource to review the anti-bullying guidance set for your school.
Safer Internet Week - Digital Safety - What are anonymous apps?
Nice guide for students to review internet safety focussing on anonymous apps.
Fantastic - Winter festival countdown calendar (advent)
Great way to finish the year - Click on a date to reveal a festive tutor time idea, activity or game.
Fantastic educational Xmas advent calendar
A great resource for a tutor group that offers a variety of fun activities and reflections on what this festive time of the year involves. Great for promoting global citizenship and PSHE aspects.
Excellent: What is International Mindedness?
Ideal for INSET training for staff. Essential for International Baccalaureate
International-mindedness is a view of the world in which people see themselves connected to the global community and assume a sense of responsibility to its members. It is an awareness of the inter-relatedness of all nations and peoples, and a recognition of the complexity of these relationships.
Can we live without cars? (Tesla)
Title: Is a car free world possible?
Learning Objectives:
To review the development and impact of cars
To consider how their environmental impact could be managed using an international strategy
Fantastic lesson assessing the possibility of reducing traffic to improve the urban environment and reduce both air and noise pollution.
Includes reading tasks, comprehension questions and assessment.
Brilliant Inset Training: Black Lives Matter
Title - Black Lives Matter & Individual Action
To increase our understanding of racism.
To think about the impact of racism on individuals and groups.
To challenge our own ideas and behaviour.
To work towards becoming an anti-racist school.
Includes video clips, ideas for a anti-racism School pledge and school scenarios.
Transgender Visibility Day - LGBTQ
Great resource to raise awareness and educate students about this current issue.
Excellent PSHE Lesson - Addressing racism (BLM)
Great lesson for PSHE, social studies reviewing the current issues linked to the Black Lives Matter movement, how individuals in school can promote anti-racism and where teenagers can seek help.